Adulting 101, Health: Physical and Mental

Fitness With Stephanie Grace

Traditionally fitness in the new year is all marketing. No where did it say that the new year meant working out. That being said, many people are going to be joining in the January fitness craze. If you are there are a lot of things to keep in mind. I want us all to be… Continue reading Fitness With Stephanie Grace

Adulting 101, Job Seeking

The Mythical Magical LinkedIn

In our last job hunting article Nichole (resume expert) talked about networking to find job opportunities. For many of us not only is that terrifying because talking to new people is scary but with COVID-19 it seems like a dangerous impossibility. I was wondering how to address networking when I remembers a bud of mine… Continue reading The Mythical Magical LinkedIn

Adulting 101, Health: Physical and Mental

Self Care

Hello All! One thing that we all have to do to truly be an adult is self care. Self care. A word with so many different meanings and a lot of misconceptions. To start out with let's explain what self care isn't. It is not selfish. Self care is not a bad thing. Self care… Continue reading Self Care

Adulting 101

Clean is Sexy

We have been going hard on the finicals of adulting but today I want to talk about a different part of adulting. We have 7 parts of adulting. Finance, cooking, health/wellness, house life, organization, career, and communication. Today we will be hitting on house life, specifically keeping clean! When we get our first apartment, house,… Continue reading Clean is Sexy

Adulting 101, Money Money Money

Money Like its a Diet

Hello my adults in training! Today we are going to talk about the hardest part of money, managing it. When it comes to doing money management right it reminds me of the my darling Horatio's diet. It involves self control, a notebook pencil combo, and some trial and error. I can promise that once you… Continue reading Money Like its a Diet

Adulting 101

Twisting the Yarn

Adulting is a crazy world. One of the ways to make it less crazy and get ahead in the world is by doing a fun little thing called networking. The dictionary defines networking as "the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts." For many new adults… Continue reading Twisting the Yarn